Support Staff Minutes – April 2016

  1. Denean Pomeroy has resigned from Support Staff Advisory Committee (SSAC) due to her new position.
  2. SSAC elections are this spring. We need 4 new committee members. Please send nominations to the SSAC.
  3. New staff introduced—Zach Reichard in Registrar
  4. Sustaining the Mission Task Force
    1. April VanLester-Thuma is our representative.
    2. Sustaining the Mission – Task Force #2 is charged with consideration of revenue opportunities congruent with K’s mission and values that will lead towards improving the financial sustainability of the College. The Task Force is further charged with researching potential budget cost containment opportunities (both short-term and long-term) including review of the budget process, review of health and benefits, evaluation of Study Abroad costs and long-term sustainability, as well as other opportunities it might identify. The Task Force will solicit ideas in a variety of ways (e.g. surveys, focus groups, forums) from constituent groups and the campus community, and will provide an update to the Board of Trustees in June, update to President Gonzalez in July, and a final report to the Board in October.
    3. Think big picture. Currently we are in an idea generation stage, not a crisis, more of a long term looking at the future as we transition with a new president.
    4. Referring ideas back to any preexisting committees on campus.
    5. Now Task Force would like feedback from their constituencies. Feedback can also be provided anonymously—in survey or through intercampus mail.