I. Intro and Welcome – Alex Teal
II. Upcoming Elections
- Elections historically happen in the Spring, so we will be holding elections within the next month or so.
- An email will go out detailing the nomination process
III. Potluck Feedback
- Positive response – “It was awesome”
- Interest in having another one – maybe encourage everyone to attend, even if they can’t bring a dish to pass
- May begin having a gathering after each term.
IV. General suggestions/comments:
- Start tracking attendance at meetings so we can see if the alternating times are effective and allow most to attend a meeting occasionally
- Invite Students to attend meeting – such as Student Commission president – to talk about what is going on with our students on campus.
- Volunteers always needed for Community Garden – contact April Van Lester-Thuma
- Add list of current Support Staff to website
- Pursue idea of having the option to sign up for emails when positions at the College are open.