Support Staff Meeting Minutes – February 2020

February 14, 2020

Sarah Gillig welcomed everyone to the meeting.

There were three guest speakers: Laurel Palmer, Director of the Kalamazoo College Fund, Kelly Frost, Reference Librarian, and Stacy Nowicki, Library Director.

The Kalamazoo College Fund is part of the Development Department and is comprised of four individuals. Laurel is the Director, Sandy Dugal is the Associate Director, Denise Negrea, Assistant Director and Jennifer DiGiuseppe is the Coordinator. An overview was provided about the areas of giving which include: Kalamazoo College Fund, Hornet Athletics Association, Current Programs, Capital and Building Facilities, and Endowment. The yearly goal for the Kalamazoo College Fund is $2,417,000 which does not include the $250,000 they work to fund annually for the Hornet Athletic Association. The KCF goal is increase an additional 3% yearly and is included in the College’s budget. Laurel shared various ways to give to K and how the funds are distributed to help students and faculty.

Kelly Frost, Reference Librarian, shared information about textbooks and the challenges students face with purchasing textbooks. The cost has gotten to where some students just are not able to afford them so the library has done some research to see if there might be ways that they could help. Most students are spending $100-$200 a quarter on books. The library has started the Textbook Project which has created bookmarks, presentations, sophomore seminars and used social media to inform students and faculty about options to cut textbook costs. One option initiated in Fall 2019 was having books on “course reserve” meaning textbooks are set aside at the library for students to check out for 2 hours at a time. They are also enlisting the help of faculty in selecting course books and looking at the options available on the Open Educational Web. The bookstore also has a rental program with 740 books rented for winter term.

Stacy Nowicki, Library Director, shared information on safety and how their building is prepared in case of an emergency. They have worked to produce a safety manual with how to address every possible scenario should a situation arise. Each person at the library has also created a “red binder”—a manual of information others would need to know to do the things that only she knows how to do. She shared a document of important people and numbers she carries in her wallet that she is able to refer to in a moment of need, and how this information is saved using Office 365/One Drive (visit the file sharing page for more instruction) which is available to all K employees, and can be accessed from anywhere, on- or off-campus. Stacy shared the “Emergency Kit” of items they keep at the circulation desk. Each item in the tub is noted on a list taped to the lid for easy reference and regularly checked to be sure items that may expire are updated. She suggested having one or more kits in each building.

Jennifer DiGiuseppe shared that there remains a need for SSAC representation for the following committees:
• Benefits Review Group (BRG) (Facilities Management rep needed)
• Retirement Oversight Committee (meets 2-3 times a year)
• Employee Advisors Committee (selection in process, but if someone else is interested they should still apply)

All are encouraged to either volunteer or nominate someone they think would be a good candidate. Visit the Committee Nomination Form on the HR website for more information.

Support Staff Minutes – November 2016

  • Keshia Dickason, the newest member of the Support Staff Advisory Committee, was introduced.
  • Save The Date
    • November 30, 2016 – Joint Administrative & Support Staff Holiday Gathering, 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Hoben Lobby. Make meal greeting cards & donate to Loaves & Fishes with non-perishable food items.
    • December 9, 2016 – Support Staff Holiday Party, Pasta Bar 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. and Ministry With Community Donations
  • Comment Box, Suggestion Box
  • Guest speaker, Tim Young, Director of Security, Kalamazoo College
    • Active Shooter Video Important Points:

      Get Out, Call Out, Call 911. Keep trying to call 911 if the line is busy. Do not give up. Persistence is important! Tell the operator exactly where you are. Hide from the shooter’s view. When talking to the 911 operator, tell them your location, a description of the shooter, etc…When the officers arrive, show them your hands to show that you are not a threat, be compliant and quiet, do not try and engage the police officers in conversation, as they have a job to do and that is to locate, find, and take down the shooter.

      Silence all equipment, cell phones, etc…If you are hiding in a group, disperse and spread out. This way, if there is a shooting, it is less likely that a great number of people will be hurt.

      If you cannot hide from the shooter, confront the assailant. Try and distract him/her. Throw books, heavy objects, scream, etc., mobilize the group and come up with a plan of action, if possible.

      If you cannot escape, if possible, lock yourself in a room. Turn off all lights, and silence all phones and equipment. Mobilize efforts to barricade the door if the door cannot be locked. Place furniture or anything heavy against the door, so the shooter cannot reach you.

Tim Young mentioned that he will be happy to come and show this video to any group on campus.